FreightRM’s Air Cargo Route Calculator
Optimize flight routes by calculating the length and estimated time based on a set of airports while considering restricted areas (e.g. prohibited countries).
Key Features:
- Restricted Area Avoidance: Define prohibited countries or regions to automatically exclude them from the route.
- Route Length Calculation: Provides the total distance of the flight path in kilometers or nautical miles.
- Estimated Flight Time: Calculates the estimated flight time based on the route length, aircraft type, and average cruising speed.
- Multiple Aircraft Options: Allows selection of different aircraft types with varying speed and range capabilities.
- Weather Integration: Optionally incorporate real-time or historical weather data to adjust flight time estimations based on wind and turbulence.
- Detailed Visualization: Display the route on a map with restricted areas highlighted, along with key information like distance and estimated time for each leg.
- Reporting and Export: Generate reports summarizing route details, including length, time, and fuel consumption, for easy comparison and analysis.
You can visit to see more and to order a demo.